Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Apple Cider Vinegar Aha

protest also Vespa. The capture of niches. The benefit of the doubt Felt

network circulates in the news that The Journal has published Victor Felts Nicchi piece on the arrest of the boss before it was actually arrested. The Friends had reported
Eighty and Nonleggerlo in their post. From what I show these two screen shot it seems that the newspaper famigghia abbia dato la notizia dell'arresto del boss Nicchi alle 12:18, ben 3 ore prima del lancio AGI delle 15:20 e un ora e mezza prima dell'incursione in via Filippo Juvara a Palermo, avvenuto, secondo quanto scritto da Repubblica , dopo le 14:50.
Abbiamo fatto delle verifiche in merito.
Nel pomeriggio di oggi Wil entra in contattato la redazione de Il Giornale per chiedere spiegazioni.
Ecco il suo racconto:

sono appena stato contattato dalla Redazione del Giornale , sembra che tutto questo sia stato un semplice errore tecnico, di digitazione. Mi dicono che la prima agenzia è uscita alle 15:27 (true), 5 December, and they immediately wrote the article. Outstanding professionals, partly because the first comment goes back to Article 15.45. Would do everything in 19 minutes, burning much of the remainder of the Italian media. But maybe we're uh, attention. I also say that the article has been updated several times in the following days, and this may have led to the error of which we wrote ... I will tell you once more, bah.

Meanwhile I have contacted an anxiety that my source gave me the historic launch of the agency at their disposal: AGI

15:26 15:30 15:37 relaunch
15:41 APICOM
and everyone else below.

In consultation with Wil, we concluded that it is likely the version provided by the editorial staff of Il Giornale, that there was a typing error in the timetable for publishing the article.

But what leaves us all a bit 'perplexing is that the first comment posted the article in the newspaper is 15:45 that is less than 20 minutes after launch agency to which the editors referenced.
This means that in less than 20 minutes the newspaper was able to learn the news, possibly verify it, write it, put it well ottenere il primo commento. Tempi che manco Lance Armstrong.

Ma i fatti parlano chiaro: c'è stato un errore di battitura sull'orario della pubblicazione del pezzo e nonostante l'esiguo lasso di tempo fra il lancio AGI e il commento non ci resta che credere a quello che abbiamo verificato.

A meno che qualcuno non riesca a dimostrare di aver letto quell'articolo prima delle 15:26...........

AGGIORNAMENTO 10 dicembre ore 17:00
Dopo che Wil ieri ha telefonato alla redazione de Il Giornale è stato modificato l'orario di pubblicazione che ora è 20:00 .
Il_freddo , uno dei lettori di nonleggerlo sostiene che lui read the article almost certainly be around 13, before leaving to go to the NBD. Instead
Candidus noted that Internet access is available on the google cached copy of the updated page that shows even at 11:18 on 5 December. Look here
Some commentators lottantanove confirm that he saw the cache.
What can I say? The doubt remains. And how. But we need someone who can prove that they have seen that article between 12:18 and 15:26 ....

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Pokemon Snap Rom For Sixtyforce

No Berlusconi Purple Day of Anger (cited)

As Usually the numbers of policemen and organizers do not approach, narrowly missing: 90 000 for the first, one million for others. What is certain is that the NO BERLUSCONI DAY Rome Saturday was really a lot of people, so many banners, slogans and many many flags. Too many.
the crowd, in addition to the ubiquitous banners DiPietro, abounded bandiere dell'intramontabile Rifondazione Comunista, ma anche qualche timido stendardo del PD e alcuni rigurgiti marxisti-leninisti-filoguevariani-comunisti. Insomma una gamma di colori da far invidia al ventaglio di tonalità disponibili per le cucine Ikea.

What many must have escaped Saturday when they decided to take to the streets is that the NO BERLUSCONI DAY should not have any political color. Who took to the streets did so because he is tired of this government, Berlusconi is tired but above is tired of all those like him.
This time I even agree with Rosy Bindi, when he claims to be against accession official part in the demonstration of free citizens who want to be heard and not misused. Which is typical on my part.
Beyond the controversy on the alleged hand of Peter in the movement of NBD, the only color this would be purple because there were no parties in the streets, but people, citizens.
But the usual suspects did not miss the opportunity to show their colors and symbols and their desire to appropriate square that is ours.
Beside me in St. John there was a time of tension among PRC Communist and "you."
The red flags abounded in the crowd and over to annoy many people from seeing the stage and do the shoot.
We asked to lower them, and a "friend" asked why reaffirming its intention to hold its flag high. That an elderly
rifondarolo I say "I hold the flag because we are missing in the organization of this event and we have the right to express our ideas," but bear with me for I am democratic, I can not accept.
I then proceeded to inform the "buddy" that we were the party of Unity and there were no political parties but only citizens and that the flags had to be left at home. The policy must be out of the protests.

"You have arranged everything without consulting us."
"You want to take the credit ... we have excluded".

Sorry mate, but you people?
"You purple."
Companion, but for me I look like purple? Okay maybe I am a bit 'palliduccia and tired after 5 hours spent walking, but I do not believe to be purple.
Needless to say it confirms the reason why the PRC is outside of parliament: the total inability to be together. Even in an event like the Day No Berlusconi fails to dissociate and to "stand him."

For politicians it is easy to take to the streets, among people weary of this government and mafia thief, carrying their flags, eh? Why
Refoundation Communist take to the streets to demand the resignation of the Berlusconi government even when that man is his fault?
Why Communist PRC is so eager to have merit? Would it not be a victim of some kind of inferiority complex?
I normally do not spit in judgments or spread around advice unnecessary, but because of the lack of dignity and Electric Italian town that still remains for me, I felt the need to talk.

they came to Parliament to protest against Berlusconi, to reject the law or solve the conflict of interest. They have had 15 years to do it, but maybe they had a scale of values \u200b\u200bdifferent from mine, and now claim the right to bring their flags in the streets.
There is little to be proud rifondaroli dear, and talk to someone who voted Hammer and Sickle until it is able to find a reason to do so.
A "companion" he said claiming his "political dignity." Dear lady, I told her Saturday, and I repeat now, I keep my dignity as human and a citizen than to party. It 'obvious, the scale is different.

I wanted to write something less personal at first, ironic and funny but I was there in the square. And with me there were other 90 thousand or 350 thousand or a million people for one reason only. tell our politicians that it is time to stop taking the piss.
So anything nice this time. Only so much anger! And also someone who dolga. This is my No Berlusconi Day
